Biblical Indictments against Nations

Biblical Indictments Against Nations

July 19 to August 30, 2020

This series seeks to ascertain whether the COVID 19 pandemic is a Judgment on the Church and upon the nations of the world. It presents a study of divine judgements extracted from the book of Jeremiah, the prophet. He unveils how a covenantal people drifted from the Law and purposes of God. God sent Jeremiah to help them correct their wrongs, but they refused to heed his messages. God eventually removed His covering from Israel leading to their 70 year captivity in Babylon. By comparing the lessons learnt from Jeremiah, this series posits the view that the church and nations are under divine judgement. It gives a list of the charges against the Church of Jesus Christ (and the nations) for violating the covenant set out in the Word of God.


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