First Born- Session 2

by Thamo Naidoo | First Born

The Corporate Unit-God regards us all as His only son

In this session Pastor Thamo provides insight concerning God and His only Son. God only has one Son, and as a corporate unit, God regards us all as His only Son. This session will be a compass guiding you into the truth of our privileged position, how sight defines perspective, and how our view of creation will be characterized by our view of who we are with God. We become an heir to His throne because He first chose us and predestined us as His firstborn son, lavishing us with authority, glory, honour, favour, privilege and grace.

God only has one Son, and as a corporate unit, God regards all of us as His only Son. Share on X

Firstborn sons Keep the Name, Reputation, and Stature of the Father which equates to Glory

This teaching converges on how firstborn sons preserve the name of their father, subsequently the reputation and stature of their father. This requires an expression and portrayal of the qualities and characteristics of the Father. Consequently, this enables an individual to focus on the attributes, image and renewed identity in Christ, which underpins their representation and relationship with the Father. There is a multiplicity of blessings and privileges that is sanctioned when one knows how to operate in the full stature of the son.

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