Righteousness - Session 21

by Thamo Naidoo | Righteousness

In this session, the last in the series on righteousness, Pastor Thamo is concluding on the aspect of families, focussing again on healthy marriages as the basis for healthy families.

The Divine Construct of Families Must Be Preserved

When a family is broken down, the purposes of God cannot be fulfilled. Hence, the greatest attack taking place presently is against families. The absence of fathers, the overburdening of women, and the discrimination against women is an attack against families. The culture of broken homes is producing a global orphan catastrophe resulting in orphans being violated and exploited in various ways. We must fight to preserve the integrity, the honor, and the righteous standards that God wants for family.

Gender is part of Gods Design for Families

Everything that God seeks to do, He seeks to do it in and within the context of family. Share on X

In order to place emphasis on the value of family, we have to place value on the various components that add to the organizational construct of family, which is firstly that we have to bring back value to the issue of gender. Gender cannot be reduced to a psychological interpretation as to how we choose our genders and our sexuality. We need to understand the biology behind it, the psychology behind it, the divine design of God behind it, and not in any way entertain the liberal, ideological concepts that exist today. According to our Biblical belief, the genders called male and female become man and woman, and then they become husband and wife, later on becoming father and mother. This is the perfect design of God with a sacramental nature to it, and through this design grace is generated. Man has no right to change that design.

The Principle of Covering

When a husband and wife are both in the church, and are both serving God in righteousness, then the husband is the head and he covers his family. Referring to 1 Corinthians 7, Pastor Thamo explains covering in a different scenario where one spouse is serving God and the other is not. Even in that scenario divorce is not advocated, but there is immunity and covering for the unbelieving spouse through the righteousness of the believing spouse. How does this covering come? It comes through loving the person, through standing in representation for the person, through being gracious and kind towards them. It means not being judgemental or condescending. That disposition creates an environment of covering that will even protect the children that are not yet in the faith.

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