The Doctrine of Sin - Session 3

by Thamo Naidoo | Doctrine

There must be order, there must be structure, there must be definition, there must be rules, there must be discipline.

There are Fundamentals in Terms of How We Live our Lives

This thought-provoking session encourages individuals to evaluate their lives in relation to the aspect of sin. This teaching will refresh your mind and furnish an understanding on how God created us to exist and how we choose not to exist by His design. Pastor Thamo postulates a divine way of living, that is righteousness, that will bring you back to God’s design, back to the way God engineered or ordered for your lives to function. His teaching provides alternatives and ways that will empower you on how to distinguish and digress from making errors in judgment, violations, to step outside of the mark, to depart from the way of God and lose your share in the blessings of God, because you’ve nullified it by an inaccurate or illegal position of existence.

God has designed us to live in a certain way. When we step outside or we choose by disobedience or we rebel against the way God chose us to live, that is called sin. It means to go away, to volitionally choose to depart from the way of God.

The Father will bring us back to His position of Constant Love

This lesson caveats the crucial position that as sons of God, you cannot be defined by the material world because you are defined by the eternal position. Pastor Thamo alludes to the story of the Prodigal Son, which caricatures the drifting away from your abiding place, your dwelling place, and when you eventually return to it, how you will be embraced by your Father, the One who bring us back to His position of constant love. It establishes the context for how God bestows unconditional love and privilege on us, as Christ did not come for the healthy but for the sinner. It provokes our thinking patterns, which have been so diluted with various perspectives on the doctrine of sin, nevertheless, provides us with a key turning point offered through the love of the Father.

When the church understands these things and comes to the position of the love of the Father, then you’ll understand sin in a better way, how the Father will bring us back to His position of constant love. And being in His presence is far greater than seeking an inheritance.
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