The Doctrine of Sin - Session 8

by Thamo Naidoo | Doctrine

There are certain sins that may make us lose our way but not our citizenship in the family of God. But there are certain sins that can make you lose your position eternally.

There are certain sins that may make us lose our way but not our citizenship in the family of God. But there are certain sins that can make you lose your position eternally

This thought-provoking session compels the individual to examine the definition of the word “sin,” which means to move away from a prescribed, delineated position that God has given us to journey in. This teaching provides a great panorama and perspective on sins that may make us lose our way but not our citizenship in the family of God and sins that make you lose your position eternally. Pastor Thamo alludes to the story of the rich man and the poor man which establishes and exemplifies how paramount it is, to not live on the periphery of endangering our salvation.

The Bible tells us that disconnection from the Holy Spirit would lead to eternal death. There’s no hope for anyone who sins against the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit and our relationship with Him is critical if you do not want to sin unto death

This teaching concentrates on the magnitude of the Holy Spirt and the importance and weightiness of our relationship with Him. In Lieu of Matthew 12, he emphatically explains that if you choose to violate the ministry of the Holy Spirit, it won’t be forgiven. This session challenges the patterns of our thinking which have been so diluted regarding the person of the Holy Spirit, and the alarming conviction that if we grieve the Holy Spirit, we are confronted with the danger of losing the protection, preservation, authenticity, immunity, and security; canonised by the Holy Spirit. Pastor Thamo,  however, offers us a major turning point through obedience and reverence to the Holy Spirit, to practice living and abiding in the presence of the Holy Spirit and  how necessary it is to employ the skills, the promises that God has given us in the Holy Spirit so that we can know the mind of God, the Scriptures, His will for every part of our lives and  live a life that will bring glory, honour and praise to His holy name.

The Holy Spirit and our relationship with Him is critical if you do not want to sin unto death.
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