Hebron - Session 4
Session 4 – Hebron -2013
Hebron – a place for restoring the fallen
In this session, we are instructed that the spiritual place called Hebron is both a place of building biblically accurate relationships, void of strife and animosity, as well as accommodating and restoring the fallen.
Hebron is the place where, in order to correctly connect to heaven, you have to build a sound relationship here on earth first, based on biblical patterns and not personal preferences. The relationships we build should not mirror the ways of the world which today is divided along racial lines, skin tone, linguistic lines, cultural lines, sociological lines, educational lines, and economic lines. Our relationships, at Hebron, are built according to the patterns we model from Christ.
The relationships we build should not mirror the ways of the world Share on X
In the building of biblically accurate relationships at Hebron we are taught that it is also a city of refuge, where we have to be prepared to accommodate the fallen, the murderer, the adulterer, the rejected, the weak, and vulnerable while not compromising with nor condoning sin.