6 Oct – 15 Dec 2013
The Hebron series is a case study on a historical location in the biblical settings where we are taught how relations are forged and how a divided Hebrew nation was covenantally formed. The name, ‘hebrun’ (Hebrew) literally means confederation; conjunction; alliance; associating; joining together; union; company. By carefully studying Hebron we are introduced to eternal principles ensuring the Church becomes ‘one new man’ or ‘one body’ on earth. In this way we taught about the true spirit and culture of relationships in the Church.
The establishment of oneness in the Body of Christ is subject to the crafting of an environment and systems that can sustain and regulate the spirit of Oneness.The church is encouraged to pursue the ‘more excellent ministry’ of love. The ultimate goal of the journey of the church, individual and corporate is to live in ‘perfect love’. Developing a doctrinal understanding of oneness – decoding the mystery of oneness in the godhead; understanding the principle of representation, that is, in the ONE (father, set man, leader, head) the others under that person are equally represented.
Creating the wineskin of family where oneness, love and commonality are enshrined. Reestablishing the principal patriarchal grace (of the heavenly FATHER) over our structures so that the prerequisite attributes of love, safety, counsel, provision, etc can be natural outflows. Representative fathering is fundamental in this leadership structure (deputization, substitutes, etc). We are given an in-depth view of spiritual covering, immunity and safety.
Hebron – Session 1
Hebron - Session: 1 - Year: 2013 In this introductory session we are introduced to the historical place called Hebron and are instructed on its hidden spiritual meaning and how through the Word of God we can build our lives along the principles that are revealed to...
Hebron – Session 2
Session 2 – Year: 2013 In this session, we are instructed on the significance of the spiritual place called Hebron. The spiritual significance of Hebron Hebron is the highest place one can get to before coming to Jerusalem; we are taught that Jerusalem is the place...
Hebron – Session 3
Session 3 – Hebron – 2013 The quality of relationships at Hebron In this session, we are further instructed on the quality of relationships we are commanded to build by the Lord Jesus. The conscious development of biblically patterned relationships is a core part of...
Hebron – Session 4
Session 4 – Hebron -2013 Hebron – a place for restoring the fallen In this session, we are instructed that the spiritual place called Hebron is both a place of building biblically accurate relationships, void of strife and animosity, as well as accommodating and...
Hebron – Session 5
Session 5 – Hebron -2013 Hebron – a place where we overcome the spirit of jealousy In this session, the life of David is analyzed as a template or a “shadow and type” that we can extract principles for building our own lives. [bctt tweet="We learn that the source of...
Hebron – Session 6
Session 6 – Hebron -2013 In this session, the focus is on the disposition of David’s heart. The life of David teaches us that until one learns how to rule their own spirit and personal life, one cannot rule nations. Even though King Saul was determined to kill...
Hebron – Session 7
Session 7 – Hebron – 2013 Hebron – A Place of Covenant A Covenant was an extremely significant feature in biblical history. It literally means to enter into an agreement, a compact, to ratify an arrangement, or to establish a relationship. Covenants were never...
Hebron – Session 8
Session 8 – Hebron – 2013 Hebron Is More Than Covenant – Hebron Is A Place Of Oneness In this session the principles of covenant are further presented using the case study of the people of biblical Israel making covenant with David at the place called Hebron. [bctt...
Hebron – Session 9
Session 9 – Hebron – 2013 From Unity To Oneness In this session, the Body of Christ is encouraged to migrate from a concept of unity to the place of oneness. We are taught that relationships are exceedingly more important than stature, great reputation in terms of...