Hebron - Session 7
Session 7 – Hebron – 2013
 Hebron – A Place of Covenant
 A Covenant was an extremely significant feature in biblical history. It literally means to enter into an agreement, a compact, to ratify an arrangement, or to establish a relationship. Covenants were never created, nor meant to be broken. In this study we find that Hebron is a place joining, thus making it a place where a covenant is established. This session focuses on covenant at the level of leadership of a household.
God has structured the church into units. These units are family units Share on X
 God has structured the church into units. These units are family units, also known by other terms such as households, a congregation, an assembly, etc. Whether they are twenty people or five hundred people is irrespective,  they still meet as a family unit. God then places a man over the family whom He endows with grace so that the people that are connected to that family could receive and enjoy that grace. But when that person starts to see him or herself as a gift to the people, then he or she has adopted an idolatrous position.