Hebron - Session 8
Session 8 – Hebron – 2013
Hebron Is More Than Covenant – Hebron Is A Place Of Oneness
In this session the principles of covenant are further presented using the case study of the people of biblical Israel making covenant with David at the place called Hebron.
Covenant relationships, no matter on what level,
is the knitting of souls together. Share on X
Hebron is a place where relationships are described as being so close that they are almost of the same blood, it is a place of oneness. In the new dispensation in God, which we call the new covenant, we are sealed in His blood thus making us one family. The old covenant was sealed by the act of circumcision, an external sign. In the new dispensation, one cannot enter into the new covenant with God and with man through an external process, rather through an internal one called the circumcision of the heart.
Covenant relationships, no matter on what level, is the knitting of souls together. Such a joining was evident in the relationship between Jonathan, the son of Saul, and David. They were soulmates, sealed by the covenantal friendship between the two of them, meaning that they developed the same psyche, the same abilities, the same emotions, and the same feelings and they became one in mind.
Hi all, are we still able to download the messages or find them according to the year they were delivered, a bit like they were structured before? Chronologically
Hello Dane, thank you for your question. we are still making improvements to the site and yes shortly you will be able to navigate sermon series by year and you will be able to download sermons as well. Thank you.
Wow. Thank you so much
Good day
The sermon download functionality is now available under the Resources Tab and you can go there directly via this link …
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