Mantle of Changing Seasons Jan 2017 - Session 1

by Thamo Naidoo | Mantle of Changing Seasons

Mantle of changing seasons – Session 1

In this session Thamo lays the introductory platforms to a set of teachings regarded as foundational to the present apostolic season.

Impartation through Imputation

The first foundational statements made, in setting the introductory platforms is that all information transmitted from heaven is primarily sent for impartation. In other words, we do not receive these teachings for the sake of mere information gathering. Instead, as we hear the Word, impartation of the received Word must take place in us through the process of imputation. This means that the Word must be installed into our spirits.

The Three-fold strategy

The second foundational statement made, and one which is a precursor to the rest of the teachings, is that God does things in a threefold strategy. Everything that God designs, builds, and establishes has a threefold aspect to it. The very essence of God, in His substantive and imminent self, is that God is threefold. God is one, but in Him there are three very distinct persons or expressions in the persons of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The pattern of building threefold is further made evident in how the purposes of God was vested in Abraham, but it could not be understood, nor fulfilled, without Isaac and Jacob. Threefold things, according to scripture, are called more excellent things. Against that backdrop Thamo highlights the intended purpose of this set of teachings which is that you will receive information that will tie things into your spirit, things that will be referred to as ‘more excellent’ because anything that is more excellent is incorruptible, imperishable and eternal.

For impartation to take place, you must both hear and see the Word. Share on X

Three Anointings

Following from the brief exposition on threefold things, we are introduced to three anointings which must come upon us as the Church. The first anointing is the Prophetic, the second is the Priestly, and the third is the Kingly anointing. These three anointings  woven together form the threefold cord that comes through the communication of things. This is further explained in this teaching through the study of Levi, Ephraim and Judah where we find Levi in Ephraim and we find both Levi and Ephraim in Judah. It is through Judah that the Kingdom of God is established and the basis of this series is that we are in the season of Judah. The Church is not in the Joshua generation, the Church is in the Judah generation.

The Seasons of God

The last foundational platform laid in this session is that the purposes of God in the earth is infolded in segments of time. These segments, or epochs of time, are called the seasons of God. When our hearts are set on pilgrimage, and our understanding is that we are on a journey, then the picture of seasons within the economy of God is made clearer to us. The children of Israel, on their journey from Egypt, made forty-two stops in the wilderness. Each stop marked a definitive segment, or season in their journey, and also defined how they would move to the next segment of the journey.

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