Righteousness - Session 20

by Thamo Naidoo | Righteousness

If natural families who have been brought into the Body of Christ live according to divine design, then we will have the most effective reach in human society. 

The emphasis of this session is on practical righteousness. The Doctrine derived from the Word instructs our way of life.

Invest in Family 

It is important to invest in family (natural and spiritual) because the strength of our family determines our strength in society. The microcosm of God’s holy nation is the family unit. Natural families and spiritual families are corresponding realities in the will of God. 

The Church is the collective of spiritual family units all over the earth. If natural families who have been brought into the body of Christ live in righteousness according to divine design, then we will have the most effective reach in human society. 

Divine Designs for Marriage

God honours marriage. Therefore, we need to invest into our marriages. Marriage should not be despised. Genesis 1:26 highlights that the Adam was incomplete without a wife. When Eve was created, Adam immediately identified with her since she made him completed…creating a bond of righteous oneness. In marriage, two individuals become one when they build their lives on Christ the Rock.  Marriage should be built on spiritual compatibility which is found in Christ.

Husbands and Wives Belong to Each Other

Wives are to submit to their husbands and in so doing surrender to an eternal purpose that allows grace to flow from the Father, to her husband and to herself. The husband is admonished to love and honour his wife. Agape love must be the building block of a marriage founded in Christ. The headship of the husband creates a covering over his family which generates blessings based on the headship he provides. This is how a righteous environment is created. 

Our bodies do not belong to ourselves; it belongs to our spouse. Husbands and wives should give themselves to each other in honourable ways. 

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