Kingdom of God - Session 5

by Thamo Naidoo | Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is incomparable to the kingdoms of this world. God has subjected all rule to His Church. The Church is described as a Kingdom of priests and a special treasure of God amongst the nations.

Admission to the Kingdom

Admission and Membership to the Kingdom of God is conditional. According to Jesus (John 3) entry into the kingdom is subject to being born again, to be born from above, namely of water (Word) and of the Spirit. By developing a relationship with the Word and Spirit the believer enjoys the entry into the kingdom and privileges accompanying it.

When a person is born again they immediately adopted into the family of God Share on X

Privileges in the Kingdom

When a person is born again they are immediately adopted into the family of God, and enjoy the status of being the children of God (Male and female). As a member of the divine family, executive privileges are automatically conferred upon the believer. They become heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, the Son.

According to Jesus (John 3) entry into the kingdom is subject to being born again, to be born from above, namely of water (Word) and of the Spirit.


Like little children added to a family, the Scriptures teach that access to the full benefits of the estate of God is conditional. The believer must grow up from being a child to maturity, which is called ‘son.’ Paul teaches that as long as the heir is a child he/she is subject to servants, guardians and tutors until they reach maturity (Gal 4). The kingdom of God is ruled by mature sons and not little children.

Righteousness, Peace, Joy

The kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17). This means that the kingdom of God is more than our physical state of existence in this world. There is a state of spirituality (righteousness, peace and joy) associated with it. Thus it can be stated that the Kingdom is not of this world. Therefore members of the kingdom are characteristically humble and enjoy great grace to live overcoming lives in this world.

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